Ankle Pain
In this episode of The PODdoctors podcast, Dr. Damien Dauphinee, a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon, and Dr. Raafae Hussain, fellowship trained foot and ankle surgeon, provide a general overview of common ankle pain and ankle problems. They discuss traction neuritis, posterior tibial tendon dysfunction, Os trigonum syndrome and other types of pain people will feel inside the ankle.
“Sprain ankle is the number one injury in sports injuries.” -Dr. Raafae Hussain [02:18]
“We never want to forget about the nerves. ‘Cause these will come back to bite you if you ignore them.” -Dr. Damien Dauphinee [09:40]
Top Takeaways:
- What causes ankle pain and common ankle injuries?
- What is traction neuritis?
- Most common anterior ankle pathologies
- What is posterior tibial tendon dysfunction (PTTD)?
- Other pain people will feel inside the ankle
- What is Os trigonum syndrome?
- Treatment options
What You Will Learn:
- [00:49] Intro
- [02:34] Common ankle injuries
- [04:28] How they determine ankle sprain from strain
- [07:16] Treatment options
- [09:34] What is traction neuritis
- [12:20] Conservative management
- [15:18] Common anterior ankle pathologies
- [22:45] What is PTTD and treatment options
- [26:12] Other pain inside the ankle
- [28:30] What is Os trigonum Syndrome
- [33:14] Outro
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Book Mentioned: Saving Limbs, Saving Lives: Advanced Treatments for Preventing Amputations in Diabetic Populations by Dr. Damien Dauphinee