Episode 14

Published on:

24th Feb 2021

Achilles Ruptures

In this episode of The Pod Doctors podcast, Dr. Damien Dauphinee, a board-certified foot and ankle surgeon, and Dr. Raafae Hussain, fellowship trained foot and ankle surgeon, talk about achilles injuries. They discuss what causes the chronic and acute injuries and how they treat them. Listen to why it’s important to treat an achilles injury as quickly as possible.


“A lot of women are in high heel shoes and they come back down. They’re like ‘Oh, my heel hurts, but I’m so comfortable in these shoes. It’s the only shoes I’m comfortable in....’ That’s that problem. When you’re in that short achilles state, when that heel is elevated, right? That tendon… so it’s new normal is nice and short. If you spend seven, eight hours a day in those types of shoes, it’s going to add up.” - Dr. Raafae Hussain [18:39]

“The goal is try to catch these as early as possible because the neglected ones are much harder to fix.” - Dr. Damien Dauphinee [27:25]

Top Takeaways:

  • The basic anatomy for the achilles tendon
  • The different types of achilles injuries
  • Treatment and recovery for acute and chronic injuries

What You Will Learn:

  • [00:40] Intro
  • [02:44] The basic anatomy of the achilles tendon
  • [04:11] Types of minor achilles injuries and most common causes
  • [10:18] Treatment options for acute injuries
  • [17:07] Chronic injuries - causes and how it differs from acute injuries
  • [20:50] Treatment options for chronic injuries
  • [24:46] Recovery for these injuries


Visit our website: https://thepoddoctors.com/

Book Mentioned: Saving Limbs, Saving Lives: Advanced Treatments for Preventing Amputations in Diabetic Populations by Dr. Damien Dauphinee

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Show artwork for The PODdoctors with Dr. Dauphinee and Dr. Hussain

About the Podcast

The PODdoctors with Dr. Dauphinee and Dr. Hussain
ThePODdoctors are Dr. Damien Dauphinee, double board certified in Reconstructive Foot and Ankle Surgery and Wound Management and his partner Dr. Raafae Hussain, fellowship trained podiatric surgeon. Each week ThePODdoctors will be discussing aspects of podiatric medicine and surgery to educate our audience on common foot and ankle problems and the latest treatment options available.